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7/22/2010 | Upcoming Webinar: Ball Screws 101 - A Webinar for Design Engineers

WOOD DALE, IL - You are invited to attend a free Ball Screw seminar for Design Engineers. This training will enable you to quickly design and specify ballscrew actuated linear motion systems, saving you time and optimizing your machine designs. Reserve your spot today for this live webinar being held in two sessions on Thursday, July 29, 2010 at 10:00 am ET / 9:00 am CT and again at 3:00 pm ET / 2:00 pm CT.

Ball screws are mechanical devices for translating rotational motion to linear motion. They are able to apply or withstand high thrust loads with minimum internal friction. Ball Screws are made to close tolerances and are appropriate for high precision applications. Innovative design engineers have learned that ball screws can transform the most demanding industrial applications and provide the most effective actuation solution right drive for virtually every motion task and at a better price point than alternative technologies such as belts, cables, chain drives, and rollers.

In 45 minutes you will learn:

  • Ball Screw Basics: Overview of ball screw technologies and features (and what they mean to your application)
    • Ball Screw Accuracy (Rolled vs Ground)
    • Ball Screw Backlash and Repeatability (Preloaded vs Non Preloaded)
    • Ball Nut Return Systems (Internal vs External Return)
    • Other Considerations (Noise, Speed, Acceleration, Environment, Safety)
  • Thomson Family Overview: Features and benefits of the Thomson family of ball screw products
    • Inch Series - Precision Rolled, Precision Plus Ground
    • Metric Series - Fineline Rolled, Thomson Neff Rolled, Miniature Rolled, Precision Plus Ground
  • Ball Screw Sizing and Selection

Ball Screws offer the following design benefits:

Ball screws achieve efficiencies of up to 90% using balls in rolling contact with precise ball races.

Ball Screws provide several advantages over alternative technologies, such as acme screws, belts, cables, chain drives, rack and pinion, off set cam rollers, linear electric motors, hydraulics, and pneumatics:

  • Longer life
  • Higher loads
  • Higher Accuracy
  • Lower friction
  • Less wear
  • Less drive power required
  • Less heat generation
  • Higher traversing speed
  • No stick-slip effect
  • More precise positioning over total life
  • Clean

Thomson, 1500?Mittel Boulevard, Wood Dale, IL 60191-1073; 1-540-633-3549; 1-540-633-0294 (fax);?Thomson@thomsonlinear.com; www.thomsonlinear.com.

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